by Seth Kinney | Dec 29, 2020 | Sales Tips
Hi FirstName! Oh no, not the dreaded “Hi FirstName.” We can feel your eyes rolling, we’re already off on the wrong foot, aren’t we? If this were an email, it would be making a beeline for your trash folder. As a prospective customer in someone’s sales funnel, no doubt...
by Seth Kinney | Nov 17, 2020 | Sales Tips
There are many reasons B2B demand generation and pipeline development can become challenging. It could be a result of new technologies, evolving consumer preferences, or even data management. Whatever the case, one thing is certain… You need leads and you need them...
by Seth Kinney | Sep 28, 2020 | Sales Leadership, Sales Outsourcing, Sales Tips
Try as they might, most sales organizations are playing catch-up in some form or another. Whether they’re short-handed, using obsolete tools, or working off old or missing data, there always seems to be some gap in the process that hampers growth. Fixing these gaps...
by Seth Kinney | Jan 17, 2019 | Sales Leadership, Sales Tips
For a lot of businesses, Q1 is the time to start and implement a fresh strategy for the upcoming months ahead. In 2019, a sales strategy is something you need to pick up if you are going to do sales leadership correctly. This article is intended to guide you from...
by Seth Kinney | Sep 20, 2018 | Sales Leadership, Sales Tips
Is Coffee just for closers? With Sales Development Reps (SDR’s) being an essential function to an inside sales team, is the term “Coffee is for Closers” still relevant? If you have seen Glengarry GlenRoss (or have been anywhere near a sales team), then you have heard...
by Seth Kinney | Aug 22, 2018 | Sales Tips
The role of the SDR has changed and progressed drastically over the years. We now avoid the “spray and pray” method in favor of a personalized outreach approach to our Ideal Customer Profiles (ICP). Account Based Selling started as in industry-buzzword but now has...